Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Hari tu, sabtu. Aku quit awal dari booth. Bukan niat asal aku nk wat camtu, memandangkan aku punyer senior kata ala..xde apa dah lepas ni. dh boleh kemas dan balik. Aku pon kemaslah laptop. Rase bersalah menyerang di hati. Tp kalau intai booth kampeni lain, mostly dah sepi sejak semalam lagi. Dorang ade ramai2 meriahkan booth mase hari 1st jer, mase judges dtg beri penilaian pada products. Tghari tu aku usung laptop balik hotel, on the way mase tgh merentas jambatan dr gudang pwtc nk kuar ke hotel legend, Dr call aku..uiks smbung nnt. im busy rit now


Baru-baru ni aku jd one of the exhibitors for my university that i work hard for. And dalam lebih 400 products participated, my project got bronze. that's good enough. I learn a lot of new things 'about everything mostly dalam bab2 management. I tgk boss begitu bergaya sekali.hubungan sosial die amat baik. Most of org2 besar yg hadir termasuk judges respects him much. and im glad to be his Research Assistant.
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